The 2rd WORTH workshop organised by Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies TUKE with a seat in Prešov, took place in the Metropolis meeting room on 7th – 9th June 2015. The third meeting of the WORTH international team was attended by the project partners from the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Germany, Croatia and invited experts in waterjetting from India. The meeting focused on specification of further steps and tasks within the Danube Region START project realisation. The crucial part of the workshop was the visit of the operating theatre guided by MUDr. Ján Kľoc, representative of surgeons, at the Department of Orthopaedics at the J. A. Reiman Faculty Hospital and Polyclinic in Prešov. Members of the multidisciplinary team were provided with detailed technical and practical insight on the revision surgery.  During consequent discussion, concrete problems related to the design of a new chirurgical tool for bone cements extraction were specified and their solutions were proposed. Experiments to be done were determined. The project team will meet again on 5th October 2015 within the international conference of Water Jet 2015 taking place from 6th – 8th October 2015 in the Czech Republic to present there the draft of the chirurgical tool for bone cements extraction using the pulsating water jet technology.

Prešov workshop program here


WORTH influenced by HYDROMON | Sergej Hloch

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